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Turning Point Summit 2024
Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR)

Turning Point Summit 2024 will be held on the 21st - 24th March 2024, Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly on the 10th December 1948. The Universal Declaration on Human Rights enshrines the inalienable rights which all human beings are entitled to, by the virtue of being human and regardless of their social identity, nationality, economic status.



  • Foster a deep understanding and commitment to nonviolence as a powerful tool for social change and conflict resolution.

  • Provide a platform for sharing and learning from keynote addresses and case study presentations that highlight successful nonviolent movements and initiatives.

  • Facilitate workshops on nonviolence and social change, equipping participants with practical skills and strategies to implement nonviolent approaches in their own communities.

  • Engage university students and young professionals in a meaningful dialogue to develop a shared vision for a nonviolent world in the 21st century.

  • Encourage youths to actively participate in shaping the future by discussing, deciding and acting on the importance of teaching nonviolence in schools and exploring effective methods to incorporate it into the curriculum.

  • Showcase artistic performances that promote peace and inspire creative expressions of nonviolence.

  • Facilitate intergenerational dialogues to foster collaboration and understanding between different age groups, with a focus on building a peaceful world together.

  • Address the need for stronger youth leadership within civil society institutions and explore ways to empower young people to take active roles in shaping the future of these institutions.

  • Generate discussions and propose reforms in the education sector to include comprehensive nonviolence curricula in universities and schools, ensuring that nonviolent principles and practices are embedded in the educational system.

  • Provide a platform for in-depth discussions on human rights in the 21st century, emphasizing the role of governance in protecting and promoting these rights, and exploring how nonviolence can contribute to a more just and equitable society.

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